Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pathos, TOMS One for One

Ethos: the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution.
-Mostly done by an expert or role model.
Pathos: an emotion of sympathetic pity. Makes you feel a certain way.

Logos: Usually Trying to convince you to do something or buy something. 

           This picture is trying to say that with every pair of TOMS you buy, TOMS will give one to a child in need. The One for One movement.This picture shows pathos because, it has Blake Mycoskie (man on far left) putting shoes on kids who don't have shoes , kids who are poor. This kids look happy that they are getting new shoes. This picture is trying to get different people to but TOMS they are trying to target people who are wealthy, people who are willing to buy shoes to help a child in need. This ad is effective because it has Blake putting a new pair of shoes on a child, and it has these kids smiling because they got new shoes, it also has a brief description on the picture. This advertisement used Ethos because many people all around the world would like to help kids who need shoes, but year don't  know how to. TOMS are the solution that is why Ethos is effective to this picture. 

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