Friday, November 30, 2012

Book project #2b

The Time Travelers Wife

March 1994 : 
          Henry(30 year-old) and Claire(22 year-old) have moved into a two bedroom flat, with the new routine , a married life . The have both discovered each others annoying flaws , she finds her self with a certain amount of space  for her art work. She feels as if her are ideas are growing smaller , she is affected on the way Henry appears and disappears. When Henry returns he feels as if Claire pushes him out of her world. Claire only has so much going on. Wednesday, April 13, 1994: To Claire's(22 year-old) surprise, Henry(30 year-old) returns with a small, TV. Henry tells Claire to turn the t.v. on he gives her a lottery ticket , they end up winning $8 million. Claire claims that they can not accept the money. As Henry burns the paper she changes her mind. Henry and Claire go house shopping , he tells her that he has seen their dream house in one of his travels. She asks him if she can go house shopping alone , she eventually finds the right house.They move into their new home.One of Henry's and Claire's friend might be in love with Claire his name is Gomez. Henry and Claire invite Gomez and his wife Charisse over to play monopoly that Gomez and Charisse have made , as they are playing they hear a crash in the kitchen. It's old Henry , he has fallen broken a glass he is bleeding. Claire tells them she wants to call an ambulance present Henry tells her he will disappear old Henry does disappear. 

Wednesday, March 8, 1995: 
           Henry(31 year-old)  is hiding while Matt a friend of Henry runs into him, Matt isn't surprised he knows about Henry , but doesn't care because he is a good librarian. At the Newberry Library, there's a locked stairwell no one can get in it , out of it , you can get stuck , it is called "The Cage". Henry fears that he can get stuck on one of his time travels. Henry appears to be on the floor in the Newbeary Library Staff Room , he has a black eye and cannot find his clothes. He is caught naked by another staff member. 

Spring 1996: 
          Two years into their marriage, Claire(24 year-old) wishes for a baby everyday more and more. Henry(32 year-old) isn't happy, what if his disorder is inherited to the baby. Claire dosnt like to thin about the difficultiness she just wants a baby.Claire tells Henry that part of him will stay with her while he is on his time travels that part would be the baby. He likes the idea of that. 

Spring 1996: 
           At the eight week of her pregnancy Claire(24 year-old) has a miscarriage. Claire calls Charisse to take her to the hospital because Henry(32 year-old) is of on his time travels and Claire has intensely bleeding. Henry arrives when it is all over.Henry is pt in a lab to sleep a scientist will study him and his brain while he is in a time travel , he has vivid dreams. 

Sunday, October 12, 1997:
       Henry(34 year-old) wakes up to the smell of blood because Claire(26 year-old) has had a second miscarriage. Henry  and Claire are overjoyed when they find out by the doctor that they are studying Henry's condition and that they might find a cure for his time traveling. 

Wednesday, August 12, 1998: 
            Claire(27 year-old) gets the last moments to be with her mother before cancer surrenders her body.Henry(35 year-old) behind to remember how much Claire's mother loved her garden , and how much she loved them both. He sees Claire angry shutting Henry out of her world. Claire behind to look at her dead mothers belongings . She finds many poems one dedicated to her. It showed Claire that her mother did love her after all. 

Saturday, March 13, 1999:
                  Henry(35 year-old)  and Clare(27 year-old) visit their friends Charisse and Gomez, they just have had their third child.Since Claire loves holding Charisse's babies Charisse ask Henry if he would like to carry the baby he gets scared panics and steps outside. Henry realizes that his father never held him like that. Henry tells Gomez on how they have had three miscarriage's so far , Gomez response is that they seem as if they don't care. 

Wednesday, July 21, 1999/September 8, 1998:
                       Daily discussions about their miscarriages put a strain on Henry(36 year-old)  and Clare's(28 year-old) marriage. Hnery suggest adoption but Claire wants it to be their baby their blood. She is sick of being seen as normal. He blames himself because of them not being able to have babies. He never saw himself with a baby in the future. Henry finds himself in Mrs.Kim's kitchen. When Mrs. Kim asks Henry about them having babies he ask her the same question. She tells him that she had a daughter but she dies at seven years-old he then starts to remember her , Claire finds her self at the pier surrounded my cops, and media because a cop told her he had seen Henry jumping off the pier. Hnery climbs back up from the water and claims that he only went for a swim.  Claire and Henry are informed by the doctor that the time traveling mice had been made , but that there were not many because the mothers and the babies kept on dying and when the wrong drugs were given they were dying. Claire ask for the drugs then realizes that the mothers and babies were dying.Five miscarriage's have gone by.

Saturday, June 3, 2000 :
            Back in the present, Henry(36 year-old) tells Clare(29 year-old) that he won't keep trying to have a baby, because Clare's life is more important to him. While waiting in the doctor Henry is tense, When he gets called he time travels back to when Claire was sixteen he tells her that in the future he will hurt her but for her own good.Claire ask him why he just kisses her roughly. Later on in the present they are at dinner and Claire tell Henry on how she know that he has vasectomy.

September 2000:
 Clare(29 year-old) is tortured by nightmares about babies.She goes to her studio draws the heart of her baby boy , and begins to think if he comes out to soon he can die , she wakes up in the hospital and the baby is dead.Sunday, October 12, 2003 Clare(32 year-old)admits to herself that she enjoys Henry's (40 year-old) absence. 

Thursday, February 10, 2005:
                     Clare(33 year-old) is working in her studio when Henry(41 year-old) returns from his travels. Claire tells Henry how much she missed him and how that is one of the bet days of her life. She went out with a couple of guys , but didn't like it , she slept with Gomez and didn't want to tell Henry.  When Henry wonders what she's thinking, she asks him if he worries that everything really great in their life has already happened. Henry responds that he likes the painful moments just as much as he likes the real moments . His concession causes Clare to share her secret. Henry forgives her. Clare recalls the morning she woke up in bed with Gomez , Clare feels awful. Claire tells Gomez about Henry but he dosnt believe her , she shows him a picture and he refuses to accept the truth. Claire tells Gomez she can't be with him, because he's with Charisse and she's with Henry. Problems begin between the couples.

Monday, December 18, 2006/Sunday, January 2, 1994 (Henry is 43):
               Henry(43 year-old) wakes up from the pain in his legs. He's lying on someone's floor and it's Ingrid's grid isn't please to see him but she isn't surprised.Henry remembers that that is the day Ingrid is going to commit suicide he begs her to take care of her self but she doesn't forgive him for leaving her. Henry tells ingrid about how he is married and has a daughter. Ingrid killed herself after Henry told her he did love her she called him a liar and shot herself.

Sunday, December 31, 2006:
               Henry( 43 year-old) and Claire(53 year-old) throw a New Year's party at their house. The party is with their nearest and dearest , when Henry realizes today is the day he his life will end.Henry thanks Gomez for everything he's done. Gomez senses something bad , that is when Henry tells him his life will end that day.Claire looks for Henry and is told that he is in the front porch. Henry tells her it is time they hug and kiss, while everyone celebrates New Years. 
Saturday, October 27, 1984/Monday, January 1, 2007:
              Henry(43 year-old) falls to the ground just after he's been shot by Mark's rifle. Henry  calls out for Claire(35 year-old). He is lying in the living room Claire's all over him , and Gomez calls the Police.

Friday, February 2, 2007 (Clare is 35):
          Without Henry, Clare just spends her days sleeping.  Alba Claire's daughter is taken care of by Mrs.Kim. Claire has trouble looking at her daughter, because she reminds her so much of Henry.Claire retrieves a letter from Henry out of his desk. He tells her that their love was the only thing he ever trusted in his life and that his love for her will never end. Henry tells her that  he doesn't want her to suffer like his father did after his wife died.Henry reveals to Claire that they will see each other in the future he dosnt know when all he knows is that it will be when she is an old woman.

Saturday, July 12, 2008 (Clare is 37): 
                    Claire(37 year-old)  arrives at Gomez's house, and waits for Charisse to return from roller-skating with Alba and her kids. Gomez tells Claire that she has to stop waiting for Henry and start dating , she replies with that she's not interested.When Gomez kisses her she sleeps with him imaging its Henry who she is having sex with. Charisse and the kids almost walk in on them. Claire's mind tells her she is a travel because she's becoming something else. Charisse and Clare937 year-old) take the kids out to eat at a restaurant. Claire reveals to Charisse that Henry has returned to see Alba, but not her. After partying, Henry and Ingrid are looking for their car. They are drunk. Ingrid sees a little girl and ask if she needs help the little girl says she is waiting for her dad and she is okay , but she points at their car. Henry (42 year-old) and Alba play in the sand at Lighthouse Beach. Alba is a time traveler too. Bothe her and her dad the travel together. 

Thursday, December 4, 2008:
              Claire(37 year-old) enters her art studio after two years, she makes a self portrait she realizes that it will be more real , because it will be around when she isn't , after she dies. 

Thursday, July 24, 2053: 
        Henry(43 year-old) finds himself in a dark hallway of an unknown house, he sees an old lady through the window its Claire(82 year-old).Monday, July 14, 2053 (Clare is 82): Clare reflects on her morning, going through her usual routine, waiting. She doesn't know when Henry is coming , but it dosnt matter she is there he will come.
 I think this book is really nice and interesting by far , the best book I have ever read. I really liked it a lot i think this is a good book.  
The best part to me was when they are getting married he doesn't look to good but Claire still loves him for who he is. That is my favorite part because Claire could be with a better guy but the one she wants is Henry she doesn't care what is going on with him she is happy with him. They make such a nice couple.The wedding is the best part.   
Another good part was when the daughters is born. Alba Claire and Henry finally get to have a baby after do many tries and miscarriage's.Alba is born to be a real pretty girl like her mother.

My favorite character is Grandma Grandma Meagram, she isn't a big character in the story but she is important during the middle. I like the grandma because she is funny , she helps Claire to get Henry to propose sooner. Although the grandma is blind she can sense things no one in the book can. The grandma has no shame in saying anything. 

Henry's dad was an antagonist he was always against everything , even his own son. The dad never agreed on anything he was always against most people. He dissed his own son. He was an alcoholic he always was doing things he wasn't suppose to. He would forget to pay his rent many times.